We offer free and hassle-free returns and exchanges by filling out just a feedback form. You have 15 days from the delivery date to complete the return/ exchange request form.
Kindly send the product back to our warehouse after filling out the Form. If you have any questions regarding returns or exchanges, please do not send us a DM on Instagram or use any other email or phone number besides the one stated here. Only form entries will be accepted.

Ensure that the following address is securely pasted on the return package along with your Full Name and Order ID

Emm_Stylife [ E Mega Mart India]

A- 1107-08
9th Square building
Near to Marwadi building
Nanamava circle – 360005
Rajkot, Gujarat
Mobile – +91 9099085602

Please note:

Happy shopping!

Fill out the exchange/return form below, and we will contact you within 48 hours.